Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"I feel like he could have been deader"

So, I just got back from Into the Wild.

It's stupid.

Now I've never met Christopher McCandless, and fully acknowledge that this film could be a total misrepresentation of his life, but as it stands it's the chronicle of a horribly misguided existence. Let's see, young Chris graduates from college, gives his savings away, and heads off into the great unknown because [stop the presses] mommy and daddy didn't get along. So instead of facing his problems like the rest of us have to do, he sheds off all human relationships and runs away to Alaska. Not only that, he's annoying-- full of that stoned 2AM philosophy that only makes sense if you're stoned and it's 2AM. And he reads Tolstoy. Anyone who claims to love Tolstoy and says that the best way to live is to shed all human relationships does not understand what he is reading.

And the music. Every time I felt like I could maybe be having an emotional response to the story EDDIE VEDDER STARTS SOME HORRIBLE CHANTING AT A LOUD VOLUME THAT MAKES ME WANT TO BLOW MY BRAINS OUT.


The main problem for me is that he doesn't seem to love anyone. He abandons his sister and everyone he meets along the road. He has an effect on their lives, but they don't seem to have any effect on him. How am I supposed to care about someone who is so untouched by the people around him and the experiences he has? I mean say what you want about how idiotic Timothy Treadwell was, at least he loved something. Even if that something had him for dinner.

When we were standing in line we saw the people from the previous show exit the theater and some of them were crying. I doubt they were crying because this poor boy wasted his life. They probably wished they could be that close to nature or shed all their possessions or some other hippie shit. Anyone who wants to emulate this asshole can go die in Alaska whenever they want.

Just don't expect me to care when I see the movie.

By the way I have a blog now.

I won't be angry all the time I promise.


mcFly said...

look at the bees...


Jennifer said...

"I mean say what you want about how idiotic Timothy Treadwell was, at least he loved something. Even if that something had him for dinner."

Amen. Great review. Glad I stayed home last night.